
Why should you be interested in No-Code?

Thanks to technology and its multiple uses, many companies have decided to adopt tools to be more innovative and make their platforms simpler and more moldable. For this reason, we want to show you what No-Code is and its benefits for industries.

What is No-Code?

It is a development platform that allows programmers and non-programmers to create application software through graphical user interfaces and configuration instead of traditional, code-driven computer programming.

These are its benefits:

01. Accelerates Time2Market: This means that the time to market is shorter and the process of taking a customized enterprise solution from ideation to production is measured in weeks or even days rather than months or years. No-Code can be used to accelerate initial builds and also subsequent upgrades.

02. Improved quality: applications built without code can reduce the occurrence of errors by more than 600 times compared to those built using code.

03. Lower cost of ownership: No-Code reduces the cost of developing and managing enterprise solutions by 300%. When you build without code, you stop creating new legacy code that will need to be updated and rely on technical debt.

04. Enables innovation: since projects can be launched quickly and at lower costs, organizations can experiment without the built-in risk of a traditional development approach.

05. Engaged employees: allows experienced engineers to focus on complex solutions, expanding the ability of company-led teams to tackle routine (but still important) development projects.

06. Generate peace of mind: security, compliance, RBAC and infrastructure are immediately maintained and monitored, allowing teams to focus on other areas.

07. Improved collaboration and access: while modern programming languages (Java, Python, among others) can take a year to learn and a long time to master, non-code can be learned in a matter of weeks. In the same vein, functional prototypes can be quickly created to ensure that business requirements are properly addressed early in the process.

08. Increased digital resiliency: With no-code, organizations can quickly add and modify their digital infrastructures to cope with business disruptions of any scale.

LISA’s solutions are based on no-code platforms where the user does not need to program to configure the platform parameters, but can do so through graphical user interfaces and configuration.

Do you want to learn more? Check out this video.

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