
Learn about the Insurance Industry opportunities as a result of Covid-19

The appearance of the Coronavirus and all that this has brought with it, has made the insurance sector think of new products and services that adhere to current needs.

La problemática que se vive en la actualidad no solo cambió la vida cotidiana de las personas sino también hizo posible la reformulación de la manera de trabajar de miles de empresas alrededor del mundo. Uno de los sectores que aprovechó las circunstancias fue el de los seguros.

Un ejemplo de ello, es el desarrollo de productos nuevos cuyo objetivo es darle respuesta a las necesidades de protección, respaldados por coberturas y beneficios adicionales de gran utilidad:

  • Home Office Insurance: The purpose is to insure workers and companies that are currently telecommuting. The coverage is arranged 24 hours a day for the worker and the technological equipment he uses.
  • Covid-19 Life Insurance: this being a product of the collective Life branch, which provides coverage exclusively for Coronavirus.

Likewise, to the basic coverage of compensation for death are added additional ones such as a daily income for hospitalization and daily income for hospitalization in intensive care.

  • Technical Insurance: which covers computers or notebooks in case of breakage, damage or theft.

Reinventing yourself has always been an indispensable option to avoid limitations and stagnation. Not only has the current health crisis been able to create innovative scenarios, but the search for new alternatives is conducive to each situation and that is why it will depend on each company developing despite the circumstances in order to walk outside the comfort zone.

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