
Know everything about the impact of technology enablers

Technology advances at unimaginable steps; it doesn’t stop and constantly evolves, offering advantages and improvements for every company.

Despite being one of the oldest, the insurance industry has already begun to realize that digital tools offer endless benefits for themselves and their policyholders through a wide range of possibilities thanks to the technological enabler.

What is a technology enabler?

A technology enabler is a term used to describe a technology or set of technologies that provide a platform or foundation for the development of other technologies, products or services.

It facilitates digital transformation in various industries, and is complemented by other technologies that are rich in knowledge and capable of driving innovation in different economic sectors. These innovations can potentially cause significant disruptions in the coming 15 years.

Enabling technologies are distinguished by their extensive research and development in science, engineering, or technology, and their ability to rapidly innovate and introduce new physical solutions. Additionally, they can offer effective problem-solving capabilities.

Know the main advantages of technology enablers


Allows two or more systems to exchange information and connect.


The advent of Industry 4.0, which encompasses industrial automation and robotics, as well as Artificial and Computational Intelligence, has led to the replacement of mechanical jobs with technology. This shift has allowed employees to redirect their efforts towards more creative and functional roles, which are better suited to the technological landscape of today’s industries.

Cost reduction:

By being able to optimize human resources and enjoy multi-task solutions and management.

Great operational capacity:

Thanks to the interoperability that exists between various industrial value chains and the resulting improved connectivity between systems and workers, it has become possible to achieve an optimal combination of technology and human workers. This has led to increased efficiency and productivity in industries, as well as improved working conditions for employees.

At LISA we have a clear outlook, to provide the insurance industry with cutting-edge technology to improve its processes efficiently. In addition, we are committed to digitized processes and procedures that allow interoperability with various actors, representing a source of value for customers and valuable information for the insurance companies.

Get to know our technological enabler, LISA Gateway, and allow your company the technical integration between all the actors involved in an insurer: insurance banking, startups, brokers, brokers, and the end customer.

Download our new ebook!

AI and Claims: How to Embrace the Future of Insurance


3 characteristics that make digital ecosystems poweful

The birth of digital ecosystems is synonymous with a symbiotic relationship so that companies can relate to others in order to achieve greater value for them, more than they could obtain by themselves. There are many examples that we could mention, such as Apple, when launching the Healthkit app where its users share health and activity data, thus helping the world of medicine, hospitals and doctors, to inform about the patient in addition to carrying out studies, development of products, among others.

In this article, we will explain the three most relevant characteristics of digital ecosystems, which are key to understanding the risks and benefits they present:

1.Symbiotic integration: these arise from the fact that digital ecosystems authorize users to connect and interact with each other (an example of this can be a social network), and access through marketplaces, products and services from various providers. In the same sense, facilitating these connections is one of the main activities of the vast majority of ecosystems and that is why its value increases as the number of participants and their level of involvement increase.

2. Access doors: digital ecosystems play an important role as a kind of access door to products and services from other markets. An example of this could be application stores, which establish the conditions for creating and distributing messaging applications, mobile payment services or games. Sometimes they also serve as access doors to web search portals, where users access the media, electronic commerce or travel reservation services.

There is no doubt that digital ecosystems make possible a certain degree of control over other products and services, in addition to spreading into related markets, thus allowing the network to grow around consumers.

3. Big data: thanks to the services offered by companies, they can obtain a large amount of data about their users, which helps to improve the quality of services (for example, by personalizing their commercial proposals), thus developing new and better features. With this they manage to increase the participation of users and obtain new ones, collect more data and have a continuous improvement of their value offer, in addition to strengthening their position within the market.